Liquid Asset - Inviolate Light Being
Jacktone Records 2017
Limited edition cassette
Includes download code
Alene is a respected and infamous gear wizard. Not only does she create her unique sound with an impressive roster of machines, she's modded a lot of that gear to fit her style. Because of her impressive rig, we thought it would be interesting to get a glimpse at the tools she used for the release:
"Inviolate Light Being was written over the course of a few years, the main eras of which were before and after I finished building my TR-808. Songs made pre TR-808 ("Swelling Streams," "Snow Willing") were made with an Akai AX60, Yamaha RM1x, Korg Wavestation, and an Electribe ES-1. After building the 808, it was all I wanted to use so I mostly started using a Korg Mono/Poly which I could trigger sequence directly from the 808, as well as a Wavestation A/D (for tracks such as "Wet Leaves," "Purr," "Bundaa"). The main effect is Electrix Filter Factory and some delay. In addition, the concept behind "Inviolate Light Being" was to create a release that was an expression of joy, which is something I'm trying to make time and space for."
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