"Seraphim" Mask by Ancient Pocket
Hanging mask sculpture made from Organic Whole Wheat Himilayan Sea Salt Dough, Acrylic Paint, Egg White
Ancient Pocket is Artist Vanessa Santos who, in this life-time is an Indigenous Tlaca (Mexica/ Tenochca/ Aztec, Yaqui, Apache) w/ West African bloodlines hue-being and also contains Portuguese, German, French, Norwegian and Asian ancestry. Tonantzín Priestess, Theosophical and Anthroposophical Teachings, Geomantic Sacred Geometry and Living Library Preservation Advocate/ Cosmological Geomancy Researcher, Usui Reiki Master/ Earth Attunement Cosmic Ray Aide (Practitioner y. 2007 to present), Grandmother’s Way Herbalist est. 1999, Metaphysical studies Illustrator and Painter (Watercolor, Gouache and Acrylic), Videographer, Weaving and Textiles Maker, Ceramicist, Youth OutdoorEducator (Earth-based and indigenous teachings) est. 2008, Youth Art Pedagogy Teacher (with Steiner and Freinet influences) circa 2004 and Writer.